Dr Angela Gamouras is a physicist in the Metrology Research Centre at the National Research Council of Canada (NRC). She completed her graduate studies in the Ultrafast Quantum Control Group at Dalhousie University and earned a PhD in Physics in 2014. Angela joined NRC after working as a scientist at a fibre optics company. At NRC, Angela is working on optical radiometry measurements traceable to the International System of Units (SI) and is responsible for Canada’s primary scale realizations of optical power and spectral irradiance. Angela is leading efforts in few-photon metrology at NRC by working to establish single-photon detector efficiency measurements and SI traceable characterization of quantum dot-based single-photon sources. Her research interests include single-photon generation and detection, the development of high-sensitivity optical measurement techniques, and quantum metrology – novel measurements and exploring the optical properties of materials using entangled photons.